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We know that with our extensive catalog ordering the right item can sometimes be a bit confusing. You can refer to this guide to help your ordering process.

Finding the correct item

To find an item you have a couple choices, you can browse our products by category under shop products on the top menu, or as some customers prefer browsing a PDF catalog which can be viewed by clicking the catalog button on the menu and once you have the item number, or if you already know what item you want to order, you can search for it in the search bar on the top menu.

When searching for a particular product do not type in the length in the beginning of the item number or the suffix. So, for example item number 3 FT A-1560-SHG would be searched for by typing “A-1560” into the search bar and you will be able to select the length and color of your choice on the product “A-1560” page.

Selecting the Length and Finish/Color

Once you are on the page of the product you want to purchase you can view the different variations available under product specifications. When you are ready to make your selection select the desired dimension(s), the length is the first dimension and some listing having secondary dimensions after the length, but the length is always first.

Then select the color/finish. The color/finish is coded based on the suffix and in some cases the prefix of the item number. You can look at the product description for the variations to figure out the color code for each color. Here is a breakdown of the different color coding:

H = Silver Hammered FinishHG = Bright Gold Hammered FinishSHG = Satin Gold Hammered Finish
Polished = Polished SilverG = GoldMF = Unfinished or Mill Finish
U = UnfinishedWL = Natural Wood Light FinishM = Clear Satin Anodized
WH = WhiteBLK = BlackBR = Brown
DB = Dark BronzeT = TanRD = Red

Checking out and Completing Purchase

Once you have made the dimension and color/finish selection you will see the price of that item. Click the “add to cart” button to add it to your cart and at that point you can continue shopping by clicking “continue shopping” or checkout. If you continue shopping, you can go back to the cart later by clicking the shopping cart icon in the top right.

To checkout click the “proceed to checkout” button.  From there enter your billing and shipping address and then your credit card information and click place order after checking the information. Please make sure that if your billing address is different from your shipping, you enter both.

For our customers protection all the credit card information including the CVV code, zip code, and expiration date must be correct, or the order will not go through, and you will get an error message.

After placing the order, you will receive a confirmation your order was placed, please make sure to check your spam folders if you have not received the order confirmation in your normal inbox from the email you provided us as sometime your email provider can send it to you spam folder when purchasing from a new website.

You will then get a shipping confirmation when the order ships via email with the tracking information. Note it may take 1-3 business days before you receive the shipping confirmation.

We thank you for your purchase and we hope this guide was of help. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us by clicking here “contact”.